S.C. Cupd, A.T. Ndoye' and O,J. Andrew 2
I n Sertegal, Pearl m i l l e t a n d sorghum (0.97 mn ha) are second
in importance to lgroundnut (l.fl5 mn ha), bath in terms of surfaca area
covered and production. Among thc ceroals, Pearl millet is the most
prsdominant cfop
in the north and centcr rcgions of the country urhere
rninfall is low and erratic, In the sauth Mhere rains are camparatively
favourable, the P:rincipal crops are sorghum, maize and rice. Two major
t y p e s (Souna a n d Sanie) o f Pearl m i l l e t a r e grourn i n t h i s ceuntry, Over
85 per cent of peml millet grown is of Souna type (75 to 90 days to
naturity) and the rest is Sanio ( 1 2 0 - 750 days), Souna is grown in the
north and center regions of tha cowntry \\uhilo Sanie in the southern part
o f the country.
The major problems i n Pearl m i l l e t p r o d u c t i o n a r e low g r a i n
yiold, drought, diseases, poor harvest index, insects and occasionally
Striga, The rapid progress in ganetic improvement iv possible becauae
of thc uride rançe c~f genetic variability availa,ble in the germplasn and
the case o f crosaing utilizing the p r o t o g y n o u s n a t u r e o f t h e trop.
Earlier attempts uwre mado t o i m p r o v e the traditianal varieties,
The systematic efforts Ircere made sincc 1 9 7 0 after establishing the mil-
let improvement team (Groupe dfamOlioration du mil - GAM) with the
o b j e c t i v a o f deueloping h i g h y i e l d i n g u a r i e t i a s utith yield stability f o r
i n t e n s i v e a g r i c u l t u r e E T h e ICRISAT ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l Crops Research Inati-
tute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) startod its progrnm in 197’7 iuith a prime
objective of strorrgthening the national program mainly through diversi-
f y i n g the genetic baqe,
1 œ P e a r l M i l l e t Elrçeders, ICRISAT and ISRA Programs respectively,
C.N.R.A. Bambey, B.P. 51, Senegal.
2 - Leader, Pearl Millet Improvemont Progran, ICRISAT Patancheru Center,
Andhra Pradeah 502324, India,

Tho Millet improuement program at HCt3ntra National de Recher-
che* Agronomiques (C.N.R.A.)“,
Bambey started as early as in 1937 by
p r o d u c i n g inbred linas b y p e d i g r e e seloetian in two locai papulations,
5y 1 9 4 9 , C N R A deuelopsd 2 1 3 lines of millet. fhrough celfing, the lines
lest the vigour of t h e p o p u l a t i o n s , The variety 165 gave 20 per cent
mare grain yield thnn the lines dorivcd from this population, Twenty
cight selectiom ‘~1erg made by 1959 basud a n yield per plant and othsr
charactoro arsçlciSated w i t h y i e l d per p l a n t . Those urare testod betursen
1959 and 1961. Thora Maa an imgrovement in honogoneity but the yield
levefs ulerc cqual to l o c a l . Only fivc latc selections utere conecrved f o r
f u t u r e utilizati4in. In 1961, recurrent solactiafn work (simple and seci-
pracal) was startod on esrly and late populations (Etasre 1 9 6 5 ) .
Boraa and teclercq (1963) suggested that the p e d i g r e e aeloction
cari rot bo directly uced a s it only allo~~g t h e eotablishment of P reaerve
of intarosting i n b r c d lings, Moreover complex maes s e l a c t i o n is efficieiit
on local unimprovsd populations, This method allaurs improvement upto
30 $. Preaently the hybrids obtained by cross b#reeding between a popula-
tion and an inbred lina have giwen upta ?47 $ of the local population 8s
best rssults. Favourablc results have baen obtnined by mixed cultivntion
of seueral populolions in the same
seod halo,
I n 1 9 6 5 , three recurrent solcction programs on early millets
snd two on late mi.llets urere i n pP0greüs. The threc recurrent selections
o n
early millets wiere grouped into a singlo synthotic . Souna 2 . fhj.8
synthetic tuas 107 and 121 $ oupgrior
YJ~vf~.x~l check in first and second
gonarations of multiplication. Tha synthetics o b t a i n e d from selection o n
lato varietieo gave interesting results anly i n first gencration of
m u l t i p l i c a t i o n . Souna 2 wos improved through toP cross testing using
PC 2 5 (Souna of Bambey Sercre) and thon Souna 2 a s a t e s t e r (Etossc 1 9 6 9 ) .
Eight l i n o s ( 1 0 6 - 7 , 105-4, 113-3, 1154, ?34-5, 1 4 2 - 4 , 143~4 a n d 145-3)
oxtroctod frgm Souna 2 through to cross testing uIero recambjned in 1969
to form Souna 3. This variety was roloasod for genernl cultivatign in
In 1970, Çenogal launched o multidisciplinary (gonetics,
physiolagy, pathology, cntomology and ûgronomy) program on millet impro-
voment out of a determination to ochieva self-sufficiency in food throu~h

7, Duarf Vorietiew
fn case of traditignal variutioo only 15-20 % of the tata.1
r:ry motter is convcrtsd into grain whcruas in caso of maize like the
%M?O variety - 4 4 $, a n d 5 5 $ PRE short strawod rics fike thc nativcz
foiehung voriety. Thi6 is why the program for tha improvomont of mi.Llot
<:ovelopcd in Sencgal ëinee 1970 bas bcan criantntad mainly towards tho
improvcment of harvsst index. This u+as ochiovod by croasing
29 African
populations (8 from Upper Volta, 6 from Mali, 70 from Niger, 4 from
Sonegal nnd 1 front Chad) with throc dutnrf porento (23328 and 239D2B
from U.S.A., and It 472 from India!.
In 1973,. the synthetic CA?l 73 u)as devefoped by rceombining
tho morpholagical sinilar progonics deriuod from a cros6 1 472 x HK 1133.
The characteristics of CAM 73 wcrc-duarP plant height (l-35 cm), longer
car head (44.5 cm)I, feu effective tillars oor plant (2.9) and high
hnruost index (41 $>. By thcmirldloof 1374, anothcr synthetic . GAM 75

of campletoly differont plant architecture was developed by reoombining
norphological similar 15 F4 prgganies doriveci from a cross Tift 23D;2S x'
Aniota. Heads weru more but much shortor of CAM 75 than UAM 73, to faci-
Litate throahing ttrith machines. Stoms of GAM 75 were much moce thinnar
thon thosc of plants constituting thc population CAM 73, resulting :in
reducud effort for tha cutting of stens and ploughing at harvest
(Dilq'uor 1974).
fhese two synthetics gavti good rosults undcr irrigoted and
highiy fortilized environmonts b u t could n o t compote with traditiona
vûriuties undcr fermers situation. Thoso synthetics a160 had poor thres-
hing percentage (55 $1 a6 compared to othcr millet uarietios (70 %)*
2. lürictics of Diffcrent Maturity C~clos
Agroclimatic rcsearch by CN8A hns shoun thot the m i l l e t h a v i n y
a vcgotativo cycle of 90 days, con bo grown wit’h at lanst c? 8 0 $ chance
o f 1uccess each y e n r i n tho region o f Oamixy - L a t i t u d e 14O30 N, averago
rainfall 648 mm (Dancctte 1974). The chonce of success becomos 4 2 5
uhcn grown furthcr north in the rcgion of Louga (Latitude 1T030t N, averngo
roinfoll 48t mm) and only 26 y< i n t h o region o f Podor ( l a t i t u d e 1G030 fil,
ovurage rainfall 3 3 3 m m ) . I n ardcr to h a v e 80 74 o f euccess eoch yoar,
millet grown in the region of Louga must net hovo a vegatativc cycle
exceoding 75 days and for thoso grown in thc rcgion of Podor, o vogztn-
-1Fvo cycla net cxceeding G O days.

Basad on above racommondntions,
attcmpts u)ere made to producu
6C, 75 cnd 90 days synthetics for diffcront regions of the country.
Basod on combining ability tests, tha parents were choscn from cxisting
muterial for creating tho synthctics of diffcrcnt maturity cyclas. Jnly
c feu parents cou:ld bu solectcd to forn one of the each 60 and 75 days
synthetics. Savornl lincs were identifiad of 90 days maturity type
which wcrc Costcd for thcir combining ability through top cross tcsting.
The selocted parents urore cro ssod in rliallel moting system for tho !,ettor
astimation of genetic paramcters nnd for selecting the parents with high
Concrol combining ability offocts. Tho parents were selncted to forrn
sevsn 90 dayç synthotics (11 GAFl SYFJ 90, 70 GAM SYN 90, CGT, VI 80-85,
5 Gni%3/4 Souna, 5 CAM - 3/4 EB and 4 G?,M 3/4 HK). Buring 1961-82 oi'f-
season, thesc synthctics wore in Pourth i;cneration of random mating.
fho value of thoru 90 days synthotics uill be detorminod during coming

Thc dif forent generations of rnndom mating of Cwo F
dworf synthotica (60 and '75 days) wore compareci with Souna 3 (a tall
9ü daye syntheticj
during 19’7’7 tu 1979, Early maturing synthetics could
not produco equal yiold as comparod to Souno 3 ouon in the environmonts
for tuhich they were dovcloped. A
rolationship U~S found betmecn
grain yield and longth of cycle (C. tambort 1930, persona1 communic;~tion
3. benetic Pools oInd Constitution of Composites
In 1977, tho durarf lines qvnii~blo wcre rcgroupod to form tho
gcnctic pools - throc pools based on maturity PS 60, PS 75 and PS Yil,
(PS AC) basod on architecture C and ono (PSM) based on variable
cycle and structura. Theso pools woro allowed for two yunerations of
random mating. TO this group, thruo tfwnrf' populations - 3/4 Haino KL!iri,
J/4 E x Burnu, anct 3/4 Souna ond ttuo synthotics '- GAM 73 and GAM 74
wer6 also addad. It was obssrvod that tho pool of 90 days - PS 90 was
quite close to ono of tha dworf population 3/4 I:x Aornu excupt for plenk
haight and the length of lcof. In yicld triais .- PS 90 shawed ;3 potcn-
tiolit:! of high yield production uith bztter stability. Tha grain yiclcl
abtaincd tuzs Y6 $ of thoee of Souna 3 und ono o? the Sq soloction gava
gruin yinld dqual to Sounn 3 in nultilocotion tosting, This solection
urill bo mnintainod
through sibbing 2nd furthcr tosting will ba carried
out. Thc population os such Will De improved through
recurrent soloction,

Five hundred Piftacn Sq progenice dcrivnd f'rom B gcnotic pool
twro tcstwd agnfnat Sounn 3 and originnl go$z$$c pool, Tho environmont
uffact of plant haight, straur uroight, :'ind /i-/
ongth on groin wcight bave
baen atudiod by stopurisorogrossion anolysis urhich cuill be publishod
Attempts urould be mndo to form composites based on Sf porfor-
aanc~ ovcr environmonts,
dorived from diverso genotic pools.
Croation of Inbred Linos
?? ?
Tuo typoe of crosses and ono S, of PS YCi havo beon exploitad
for thc creati~! of linos during litsf fhrce ycors, Those aru :
!.> Crosses bctwacn 23020 ond 73 African populations,
ii) Crosses bcturùen 137 linos from S?,il with 3/4 Haino Keiri, 3/4 Ex Bornu,
i/4 Souna, Nigupj.onnnd mid-lote com?ositas,,
During 1979, 203 r4 progonius wero tosted olongurith 3 cheçks -
Sounn 3, NHB 3 and DM24. Sixteen f4 progenies u~oro rotoined for furthor
tcBting during 1980. Four progcnios - l-R-66, H;!4-38, W9-127 UWD found
cquully good yicldur 3s Souno 3 coupled with botter resistanco ta dourny
mildcw. fhcsc entrios olongsith n S2 salection fron PS 90 2nd tho bçst
idontificd materiol Prom ICRISRT uorc t?stcd in multilocations during
1981. The progcny W-66 (6.4 7: supcrior to Souno 3) wos faund Bquolly
jood a6 Sounn 3 3s in 1979 and 1980 tests. fwo othcr cntrics - PS 91:-i;:<
40 and H!?-127 ucert: rctoined
for furthcr tosting. The inbrceding dçpses-
8isn duo t0 8clfify in new linos is ba;ing estimntod,
Thc future activitics ralnting to tho creation of linos cïill
bu I
- Evaluation of C4 and Fg progonics derivod from two
typas af cro6sos disçussod onrlier.
- Improvament of progcnios themselvcjs which hove conf irmcd
their çuporiority ovar Çounn 3 during last two years.
- Developmcnt of synthotics by rccombining salectod pro-
5. Urchitccturnl Stu,dias
This project UI~S startGd i n 1 9 7 9 uith tha Fallouring objoct,ivos :

- TO compare thc chnractcristics of traditiannl variotios
in conparison to variotios actunlly solectod,
. To dovolo? varietios from tho best populations er thuir
descendants .
- To define polymorphisn and gonotic organizntians af ~CI-
- TO detcrminc fnctors nssociatod with high yield.
. To estimate the ganotic parcmeters for various charactors*
- TO study tho parformancc and stability of newly dovolopcd
synthctics ovor yoart.
Thit prajcct hns 106 ontrios duriveti mainly from throo sr~urccs :
i) Collection of traditional variotics f’rom fAva ragions of Scnogal,
Niger, Mali., Sudan, Upper Volta nnd Nigeria.
ii) Dworf millet isolûtcd fram local populntions of Scnegnl,
iii)The ta11 and 'dwarf millet mntcrinl cruoted at rosenrch contors.
A tria1 of 106 such ontrios wx planécd from 1979 ta 1981 et
8ûmboy, LOUgô a n d NiOrrJ.
Tho visunl absorvations on diffarent sitw in-
dicatod that tho traditionol mntcrio? hos high gonetic divcrsity and
good adnptntion. T h c chnractoristics a% car hards ulere of’ton vcry intea
rasting even in highly downy mildow auscoptible populations. We havo
obscrued a littla smut and ergot and procticnlly no Raghuva,
On certain populations S3 16: wuro procluccd which will be tost:rd
tluring coning soason. Thc matcrial selccted Uri11 be utilitcd for thc
:ztinotion of gcnetic parametcrs for vnrious charncters.
Tho fundanentul objecti*Jo
of ICRISAT millet improvcmont progran
is ko increüse the yield lsvels of millet of somi-nrid fnrmers and ta
mzintain it at higher lcvol thnn thoy arc todny, TO achieve this objuc-
ti.vG, multidisciplinary tc;nms are working at ICRISAT Ccntor, Patanchcru,
India and in six Africsn countrics - NiGor, Sencgnf, Mali, Upper Vnltn,
Fliçsri.3 anri Sudan,, Sciontiots sprcn3 in differont Africûn counéries
work in closo cooporation with thc sciontitits in national program, I:L+-
gional program 2nd tho other ICRIS,JT programs. ibreover, tho sciontists
basod in
country programs such es in Scnsgal havc threo rusponsibilitics,

Nc,tionaS/ nnd intcrnûtional, Thc bost mcterial identified from rcgionnl
2nd internstionzl programs used in ixtiûnnl progrnm for widcr tosting
rind/or for using in brooding progrnms.
Tho ICRISAT program in Sonar)21 startod in 1977 with tho
Pollowing objectivas 3
- TO dsvelop ond impravo tho varietios of 75 and 90 days
to maturity in collnhorotion with ISRA sciontists.
- TO improvo grain yiolcl pruduetian, 2nd its stability,
orain sizo, harvest index,
rssistance tu diseasos and
maintain the hcad 13ngth.
- In Future, dupcnding on th G facilities swilablo, thc
improvements would bc made for rcsistancos to drought,
striga 2nd insccts.
1, Divcrsification of Gonotic 8asu - G;iN X Indian
This projoct was stwtod in 1977 by introducing and ovaluating
tho bost ICRISAT mntsrial (mainly in farm af Rcgionol nnd Intornstionel
triais snd nurscrics) undcx the ccological conditions found in Senogal
2nd subazquontly by combining thc saioctod ICRiSA'r mnteri.31 urith thc

oclcctatl CAM mnteria.&in ordor to tnkc sdvantago of the genotic distance
botwoon thoso t~o types of matcriol,
During ‘197’7 and 1 3 7 8 , ‘rl h;/bridc were producsd betwoon GAPl ûric;
ICRISAT materinl. Thcsr F? hybride wcrc aduanccd by solfing.Soveral F2
,Dcpulations were backcrnssud to GAM paront anri thc:n advnncud by salfing.
Tilt: princip31 resultrs o f tho introducoil matcric. .::nd crossos art’ summn-
rizod below.
Thc materin introductid from ICRISAT Center, fndia U~S moinly
OF Indian, Nigeriûn and Ugandinn origin, This mctorinl WBS tsstod for
t11rce ysnrs 1977 to 79. The Nigcrizn matcric hod high yield potontial
coupltid tuith botter resistanco ta tiist:xos, tha Ugnndian materinl tuao
carly with
largo hcad whorcns thti Indien introductions wore highly
tillaring, thin stems :?nd modium pla:~i; haight with sntall onrlfuads, ILF112;lÏ
matorinl originotcd frnm Nigeria <:nd Uqxnda hcd botter genorel combining
cbility iuith 3/4 Hoino Keiri and 3/4 Ex 3ornu populations,
Al: ths cnd oi’ thc pcdigroo soloction (F-4 nnd F5 stngo), the
aoloctod progenios 2nd t h e introduccd itsclf rueri? utilizod i n following
'c!1roi3 wnys :

1 )
Yor s y n t h o t i c s - Entriez wore seloctcd bosed an cambining ability
tost to form Pive synthctics. Two synthctics - IBV 8001 and IBV
8004 haua givon good poiformnnco in last two years multilocatianul
tests. Besidc grain yiold, thoy ware shortor in hcight, oarlior
in Plowaring, highur s o e d voi3ht and bettcr rosiatancc to dourny
nildow '~1s comparcd ta local chcck - Sauna 3.. It is intorosting ta
note that tho constituant parants for thaso turo synthetirx wora
direct introductions from ICRISAT Cuntcr, India.
For inbrud lines - Dno of thom 18V aioc - nodium plant hcight,
less susccptiblo to diseûses, :ind quito unif'orm bas baen saloctad
for furthcr eX+312itotiOn.
iii) For further crossing - 47 entrios ~C?C seluctcd and csassod in
thrce groups : 11 toll antrics dI:.llcl, lû dwarf antrics diallol
nnd 27 ontries wero crasaed with threc testors roith tho ohjectiv:r:
of crenting netu ganetic v:?riability xnd to sols& tho lines Par
dcveloping naw synthctice. Thcse crasses urera tested during 1981
and bascd on
gancrnl combining ability affect, meon grain yiold
pcrf ormûnco ÛIXJ othor agronomie traits , parsnts were selectod to
fapm fiva synthetics. These synthotics Will be tastod during comiing
Intcrcstingly the crosses anong dwarfs (140 - 190 cm plant
hcight) exhibited bettar haterosis thon tha crosses amang talls, fho i-7
papulntions willbo ndvnnced through podiyrae sclection ond in advnncod
guri2raticrns, thc parents will bo sclocIoc!
for dovaloping 75 and 90 days

During 1977, l a r g o amaui-A UF gent2ti.c matcriol fron XCRISAT
Centor uns introducod and is bcing usad in First projoct - CAM x Indizn.
Since thcn sovornl I-W yermplos m linos werc’ addcd to ICRISAT Ccntcr
gcrnplasn 2nd brouding mntcrials werc gcndrxtod uith battor rosistnncc
tu disenses.
On the ather hnnd, thc plogross bas bean made in GAM mato-
rinl particularly for scod sctting zn3 rcsistanc~ ta downy mildGw, Ta
Lnko , advtintayo of improvod matcri:il of XCRISAT onj GAM, this sacand
profect on the divorsificntion of qcnutic bnso 013s initiatoci in l-80,

tinlika, the first projact, largo numbcr of solactod GAM linos includir:.!
local lnndraccs
rire boing used in thio projuct.

Conotypes from the largo numhcr of Xntornationnl 2nd Rcgionel
trinls end nursorics plantcd in Soneg~l during 1980 were aolocted urith
high yiold and good love1 of resistsncc, Tho St progenies Prom thesc
wero plnntad during the off-secson '1980-81, Eight hundrod ond cighty
two ;2 pragcniea derivcd from thos@ woro planted at Bamboy and Nioro
during 1987 for açrecning ngninst downy mildeur and smut, Thirtptura
progcnios of diverse origin bosed on maturity, height ond bristloncss
wcre selcctod to use in this project,
Sinty Scncgalosu gonotypos u1or6: aoloct,?d or cnllectcd - 12 GAP1
lines, 34 germplasm collections moint3ined by GA?I, ?O linos solectod
fron tho ORSTOM collection by ICRISAT, and 24 lnndracos culloctad by us
during 1981,
The thirty twu non-senogdluso best idontifisd matsrials war;:
crossod with the senegaluso 60 ontrias during tho off-soaaon 1981-02.
Ifhc F1 hybrid, ujill bc cvnluatcd during thu caming rainy scmson. Thu
nntorinl Uri11 bu edvanced through modifiod podigroe selaction nnd the
progznics will be solectod to form 75 2nd 90 dnys synthetics.
In 1984, the first 2nd second projoçts Uri11 be merged and from
tho r;olect~d matcrial, 75 çnd 90 days composites Will bo formed urhich
Will bs improvcd throuyh rocurrdnt soloction, By thcn we hope to start
looking for potcntiol rcstoror linos and tho dovclcpmsnt of melo-sterilo
in ;1 suitable AP rican bzckground
? ? ?
In_promemat of Çynthotics
This projoct WCLS stnrtod in 1981 with tho nim RP improving
tuo aynthctics - Sounn 3 2nd IBW BOB4 thrsuyh rccurront solcction.
Sauna 3 is one of tha bost and thc r~nlyo;~ ecsod vnriety in Sonogal. ‘It
is highly suscuptiblo to downy milddw 9
uariation for sever::
chr.roctors liko stem thickncss and se021 sire. IBV 8004 is a now syntho-
tic devoloped by rccombining Sc~unn 3, 700516 (Nigeria), Serxo 2A nitd

Sororr~ 14 (Uganda). It bas givcn good pcrformancc during lest tuto yoara
in nultilocûtionnl trizls. IBW 3Oü4 is highly varioblo bscnuso of its

di\\,:?rse pqruntnl constitution 2nd nuads improvament for zccaptnblo uni-
formity. Attempts would ho mado to improve thym for rosistanco ngoinst

risr;iaszs ond fur horvost Fndox.
Firat cycle of rccurrcnt soloctien ~12s
initinted during ?981-82 off-5oûson Ly producing over 350 S,'a frtJi:i

1 0
oech JQ thc synthctic. Thcso SI progonics Mill b c eunluatod during t h o
coning rainy season. Tho selcctod SI~!~ ( 4 0 ta 5 0 ) will bc racombiwd
during 1982-83 off-seoscn. Sincc recurront solottion through St tcstiq
rcquiros two yoars t a complcto s cycle, t h c futura i m p r o v c m c n t s \\a~12
bti mndo t h r o u g h halEoib t2sting.
4 , J*r- f o r Diseaso R o s i s t n n c c
Major discnscs i

Sunogzl (lrti clowny mildzw (Sclerospora
qrominicola), omut (~Tolyposporiurn pcnnicillnriao) and ergot (Claviqcps,.
Occurenca o f thosu throo ~J~sc~scs u~a:~ reportcd i n 1963 b y
Bouriquot. Wa hzvo ohsarvod dourny milrinw 2nd s m u t almost ovory whero i n
Forrnors fields during ?980 n n d 8 1 , Cccurcncc o f argot i s observcd only
o n latc pltntings os i n opscific yenta.Improvomunt o f
cxistincj vnriotitis
2nd brccding matcrial ogainst d3uJny mil:jcw a n d smut i s OIIO o f UUP brco-
d i n g o b j e c t i v e s .
T h i s projact is bzing initir:tcdi n 1 9 8 1 i n collûboration
CAP1 p n t h o l o g i s t 2nd broader. Natural SOL:~CCS o

r»siatanco are avnilnblr,
nnd introduczd i n Moforrn o f Intcrn;~tionaia n d Rogionzl d i s o a s o nucscrizs,
AU pr osent, UJC t1r~ rwt ablc t o solr~ct t h o r.laterial ef foctivoly undcr
unifûrmly h i g h discass pressure duu to lnck of ûrtificinl disoasc nurscry,
Howevcr, tho scloctod matr;rial undcr nnturnl anvironmsnt i s utilizad i n
our brvcding p r o g r a m .
w:ill b c made t o CrccltE o n zrtificinl disoûçc nurscry
wher~! t h c n3tcrial cari bo scrocnor:f a r dwny mildcw a5 ~~11 as smut .
A s i n othor b r c o d i n g prc!;~r~~n, the advnr.ccd cntrics a r c tuStE;
i n 5 t o 0 triûls 3t 3 to 4. locztiüns rvory yoûr. T h c ontries urhieh [JI’C‘Ji?
s u p c r i o r i t y i n t h o s o triuls arz tostcd rigarouoly i n a J o i n t triai. Thir
tri21 includos t h e h o s t mnteriul idsntiPied b y d i f f o r o n t broedcrs work.;r:c
i n Senag~,l, I n tho coming rriny ssason, fco o r alJ. entrios tiill nlso t::
t:?stod b y thc millet pûthologist, p h y s i c l o g i s t , cntomologist and agro-
nom ist workiny nt Brimbcy. E f f o r t s utill b$ made t o e~ploro t h o possibili-
tios f o r c o o p o r s t i o n w i t h thc Fctad Tnchnology I n s t i t u t e ot Dakar î(;r
tcntin2 t h c Elite matorizl f o r nutriticnnl and c o o k i n g quality. ThU
b c s t mntcrial f r o m this arc boing advancud f o r domonstration i n Sencgn!.
2nd f o r rogionol tosting.

In thc first joint tria1 (1981), the antrioa includcd fivo
progony vzriatios from GAM, four synthotics snd ono oxpcrimcntal vtlriuty
From ICRISAT and twct chscks - Souna 3 and Parmarn local. Thiç tria1 WCN
canductcd in four locations - Louga, Ennbuy, Darou and Nioro, sproad
uvcr north ta south contra1 rogion of Scncgnl.
fhç porfurmanco data btiscd on menn ouer four locutions t?re
prosontcd bolow :
Joint tria1 - 1981
!, Grain i Plant : Em -Y---
, 50 /ci ;Gr;ain I
DoIuny , Smut ,
[JC ;
; yicld ; hoight;lcnSth ;.Uoom ,wc.ight ; mifdw;
; t/ha
; (cm>
; (cm> ;
; Cd
J ($4
; ( $) ;
13v 0ORl
5 ,l
18V 8004
ICPIS 7819
31 .S
? ????
7 r4
? ? ? ?
IBV 781.5
? ?????
'1 73
Grand FIean
?? ? ?
4 0 . 8
S.E. of Mean
? ? ? ?
? ????
C.G. at s ;i,
0 .4
C.V. $
Thü highest yioldil7g antry u1as synth3tj.c IBW UOCIl (9.9 .% çupcrioï tç
Souria 3), fol1 oued by IBV 8004 (8.5 ;:j, H7 - 66 (6.4 ;:) and ICMS 7819 (4.7 :i).
Al1 the above four antrios ware shortcr in plant height, carliur in flowarilig,
hiohcr sc:od weight, and better resistanco to douny mildew as compared ta

l;ilU nu 3 :lnd fermers variety. On the ofher h:Ind,
Souna 3 ûnd fnrmcrs uariety
ixxi bi;ttor rosiatance tu smut an3 longer :??r hccd,

During 1980, thc SClzson stsrtod very lztc and utas quitw dif-
Feront froa 1981, However thosc four ontries - IEIW 8004, IOV 8001,
W7-66 ond ICMS 7819 w~;ro 41, 31, 21 2nd 12 $ suparior to Çouna 3 in
tcrms of grain yield production. Thlj good pcrfosrrronce of I.8V 8001,
IEV 8004 and M-66 tuas also confirrnod by tho rosults obtoinod by ths
phy.ai2logists of CNf?A, Thesc ontrios starting from 1382 will bo tcçtod
in a rugional trio1 organized by Soholian Instituto (CILSS).
Thu willet improvement progrzm at Bombey (Sonego,l) stertod as
onr3.y QS in 1331 with Chc nim of pro~:ucing imbred linos by follouring
continued sulfing in tradition31 varioties. In 1949, the imbrod linos
dorivoc! Prom population 165 worc comparcti with tho original population
:l~d Pound that thti imbrod lincs woro 20 $ loss yielding than tho origi-
nal population. Rocurrent solcction ürorl; was stcrtcd in 1961 to improvo
thc! trcditional warictios. This progrnm ltk to tho doveloprncnt of syn-
thutic Souna 3 which UI(‘ZS roloasod in 19’72 for gonernl cyltivation.
Tho concept of devslcping duorf varioties for a botter distri-
bution of photosynthota into yrain ::nd stra\\u thon tha cxisting voriotios
U)~_S devaloped in lnte sixtios. A multidisciplinary toam including bro@dor,
physiologist , pcthclogist, entomolosist .>nd ogronomist otartcd in 137J
with thc aim to improve grain yicll:l production and its stability for
intonsivo ûgricultura. This tram cros:;~'El vorious Africnn traditional
vxiclics urith tha dwarf parents fror? !Jnftod States of Amorice and Inz!i:i
to produce diuarf synthotics. 9y 1974, tu? synthctics - GAP1 73 anrl GA?I
75 of difforent architockure worc tiovulopatl,
The sgltictod material from
this project wzs utilizcd for dovvl::ping 60, 75 and 90 days synthotiçs
for Jifforent rcgions of tho country. During 1376, tho genutic bnso w;ls

uivorsifiod by intr:lducirq Africnn 2nd Irldinn matbrinl. Tho matorial .i:-:
ba;ing curr::ntly used for the dzvclopmLnt of now irdmd iinQs and ccmpo-
Thc gcnctic srchitocturo of traditiona varictios anci geoqraphie
?????? ?
ca!.ly divcrsc populations is undzr skudy. Tho saluctod populations ;1nci
necrly cruatod composites Will bu im!:rovi:c ! through rocurrent çaluctiün,

Tha Intornationol Crops i?osczrc h Instituto for tho Somi-firid
Trcpics (IiZISflT) startaJ its proqrr1m in 1777 uith thti prime objcctivo
uf stzongthaning thc national progrnm. In collaboration with 1,
(Ip?titut SQnBizolais
do Rochorchos ;:griccl~s) scientists, ICRISAT uti:.i-
28:; tho bost ISRA motarial and local larxlrnrcs in crossiny uith,the b,.jst

1 3
maturiol f’rom ICRISGX Rcgicnnl a#~, c! 1ntcrn:tional programç f3r dcvelapang
75 and 913 d a y s synthotics, ticcrantly thc rocurrcnt solection program fc;r *
inprouing t w o synthetics - Sounn 3 nnd I!N 8024 2nd tho b r c c d i n g f o r di-
3ucso rzsistanciza
UIRE’O initintod.
W C bave identificd thrao variatias - ZBV 8 0 0 1 , 18V 8204 nnd
i-i?-66 suporior itr eq~unlly g o o d yiuldtir ns the bnst rglaûsod vûrioty
Souna 3 nn~! couplcd with botter rosistnnco to dise3sas. M~PD testing i-3
nuedod bofore t h e varietias cauld bc ruzommcndod f o r roloas9.

SILQUEZ, A.F. ?974,-
Am&li.oration dos mils uu !~6nbgaL - Synthhsc des r&Ultats
obtenus au cour8 dos quatre proniéres 3nnOes da travail ct
conclusions généralas.

DOMO, i?. and P. LECLERC0 1963,-
Plothode3 ~~~anélioration v,ri.ctalo dos mils ct sorghos utilis6us
nu CRA de Bambay.
L'Agronomic Tropicalo 18 (1) : 33-52,
UOUf;IQUET, C, 1963,-m
Les principaux ennemis et mzlodios du sorgho St du mi.1 i?n
Afrique tr:>picalo, LVAgronomiti Tropical0 1E (1) : 132~'136.
:)AN&ETTE, C. 1974.-
Comment adapter 1~s culkurus 2 l'nridit6 du miliw ot amdlio-
rar CO millou, ConfQroncc-akclior sur le Sûhai. CNRA, Bambyy :

:TASSE, C. 1965.-
AmOliorction du mil Pcnnisstum 3ti Sénég21. Lt Agronomie Tropi-
c310 20 (10) : 976-980.
En!SSC, c. 1969,-
Améli<Jration du mil *Panni-
;IU CR/I ;II> Bnmbay État ~ctual
des travaux ot oriontntions m Communication & lil ConfBronce
c6rBalc de Znriû/NigBria du '13 au 16 sctobro : 1-9.