3 3 0 Ann Zootech (1995) 44, Suppt, 330 0...
3 3 0
Ann Zootech (1995) 44, Suppt, 330
0 ElsevierllNRA
Evaluation of goat body lipids change according to the level
of feeding by the condition scoring method
M Ciss¨¦, I Ly, R Manga
Instifui S¨¦n¨¦galars
de Recherches agricoles.
BP 2057. Dakar. Senegal
In the Sahelian tropics, a high seasonality
as in Gu¨¦rin et a/ (1988, Hev Elev M¨¦d Pays
characterrzed the natural feed resources
trop, 41, 427-440).
availability. There is forage abundance
the rainy season (3112 months) and scarcity in
Through the year, the BW increased and
the dry season. Therefore, cyclic phases in
seasonal differences were observed in the
body reserves change, with regard to animal
mean daily gain (165 f 22 g/d in September vs
nutritional status, cari be expected. Among
54 t 15 gid in April) in all goats, without taking
methods available for body
into account their physiological state. BW and
composition estimation in field, body condition
BCS profiles were almost parallel, except at
scoring is the more practical and the less
the end of the dry season. from May to June.
onerous. It allows to define objective scores
At this critical period. goats significantly lost
during production cycles and facilitates the
BCS (-0.59 + 0.35 point, PcO.05). while their
establishment of feeding programs. At the
BW remained constant (0.5 i 0.7 kg). The
present time, it was introduced in most of our
number of normal kiddings observed rn the
research programs in livestock production
herd was 22 and the optimum score of the goat
systems. In a previous work, the scoring
at mating seems to be 3.2 + 0.5 points. Goats
method was calibrated in the Sahel goat (Ciss¨¦
were in best condition (4.2 + 0.6 points) during
et a/, 1992, In Proc Biennal Conf Small Rum
September, where contribution of herbaceous
Net, Arusha. Tanzania), a local dairy breed
forage in the diet peaked (95 %). This cari be
reared on extensive pasture. This study aimed
correlated to the excellent nutritive value of
at determining in this goat the monthly change
herbaceous at this period (Gu¨¦rin et a/, 1988).
in body weight (BW) and in BCS and to
After September. ligneous plants portion rn the
evaluate the effect of supplementation on
diet increased progressively and, owrng to their
these parameters.
high nitrogen content, allowed to goat to be rn
better condition than beefs and sheep in this
Fifty female Sahel goats, two years old and
area. However the level of ligneous forage
24.7 kg BW on average, were used in this
intake was not sufficient to maintain goat
work. Goats were managed on pasture of the
condition during shortage. Furthermore, their
periurban zone with 8 males, and given a low
large movings to find feeds increases energy
level of supplementation (300 g of groundnut
expenditure and adds to the deficit, at this
during the last three months
period. Using the equation between BCS and
of the dry season (from April to June). During
the total adipose tissue weight and the lipid
one year, they were monthly weighed and their
content (Ciss¨¦ et a/, 1994, In Proc Soc Nutr
body condition scored using a scale of 6 (O-5)
Physiol, Willingen, Germany, 25-30), an
points instead of 5 (l-5) points, as in Santucci
approximate decrease of 440 g in fat deposits
et a/ (1991, Goat Nutrition, Pudoc publ,
and in 0.6 kg in body lipid content could be
N e t h e r l a n d s , p p 240-255), b e c a u s e o f
expected in these goats, at the critical period of
extremely poor conditions seen in local goat.
the dry season. This study showed that the
Activities of animals on pasture and feed
level of supplementation applied was not
behaviour in terms of herbaceous and ligneous
sufficient to prevent a loss in goat body
forage contribution in the diet were also studied
condition, at the end of the dry season.
. .