PI. ms. ies. 3 (I), 1988 : 67-68 FUSARIUM...
PI. ms. ies. 3 (I), 1988 : 67-68
Senegal imports p
Major import of
se potatoes were found packed in gunny
bags and stored in ordinary godowns but
t in cold storages. Potato fubers stored
in the godowns wete carrying soi1 stickin
the skin. In the tnarket of Dakar the
potatoes ‘were oftenly found decayed due
ry rot alone or coupled with wet rot
and the incidence was heavy under such st
e conditions. From the market of
Dakar potatoes are transported to retail m
s whcre the incidence stiil goes high.
If these are stored for a week in the kitche
t of Dakar and
s of the disease
were recorded in detail. The incidence o
parent infection was recorded by weigh-
ing diseased versus healthy potatoes.
t of washing with -a’tap water, sodium
hypochlorite solution and thiram soluti
disease suppression was studied.
Symptomk ’ Cut and wounded t
s were heavily infected and ‘showed
,growth of the fungus. Tubers on which
was sticking’ on the skin were more
iinfected thau the clean ones.
The decay
fairly moist in tut and injured tubers
due to soft rotting bacteria. Some infec
ubers were light brown to dark brown
;aod somewhat dry. Infected tubers sho
rinkles here and there. Whitish tuft
Identity of the pathogen : Potato
bers showing symptoms were kept in
humid chamber for 2 days and tbe organis
as identified as Fwarium solani var.
arium are known
to cause dry rot but during these studies
I the samples yielded F. solmi var.
Disease incidence : The d isease was
orded in 3 bagful potatoes each of
L!5 kg when stored under room conditions,
e observations are given below ;
Date of purchase
% infection
3 2
Apparent Fusarium dry rot was obser
in 32% tubers when observed soon

PI nt Dhease Research
TABLE 1. CO trol of Fusarium rot of potato
:?eriod of Dipping
% infection
Sodium hypochlorite (4%)
Sodium hypochlorite (4%)
Thiram (0.2%)
Thiram (0.2%)
Tap water
Tborough washiog
Potato from storage
Probably increase in infection is
to latent infection and .secondary infection.
Usually Fusarium rot remains un
table when soi1 is sticking to the skin of the
tubers. TO record latent infecti
potato tubers- ,were washed thoroughly with
water and apparently healthy tub
were incubated in bags for about 8 days. Thir-
teen percent tubers showed lfte
ction due to Fwarium. Such type of infection
is known else where also (Surko
months of,Aagust-September
in Senegal,
potato decay increases when stor
under room conditions., Potato purchased froar
the market were sorted out and i
cted tubers sho&g.rotting were removed. The
remainiog lot of potatoes which
s apparently healthy given different treatments.
Potatoes were dried and thcn sto
under room conditions. Rotring of tubers due
to Fusarium was recorded which I
Sodium hypochlorite redu
the infection $0 the minimum. Thiram and
even washing with water reduced
e infection. Therefore, it is inferred that infected
potato should be sorted out.
tap waters or bypochlorite
sodium should b
emic chemicals is known to
reduce the infec
, 1977). Thiram also redu-
way of reducing the djsease.
Lashin, S.M. and Henriksen, J.B. 1977. Rev. Plant Path. 57 : 4099 (Abs.).
Leach, S.S. 1978. American Potato Jour 55 : 155-159.
Surkova, T.A. 1977. Rev. Plant Parh. 5
2237 (Abs ).